How to be more sustainable in 2021 - Discover 5 tips for an eco-friendly spring

If you know us, you will know that Mireia Playà is a brand of vegan shoes and eco friendly. From our beginnings we have shared the illusion for a sustainable fashion that takes care of nature, people and animals, but in addition to making vegan shoes, we always try to lead a lifestyle respectful with the environment.

Now that the days of heat have returned (we can finally be released our Vegan sandals! : Q) We will start spending more time away from home and therefore, in nature. This spring we want to continue taking care of our surroundings and that's why we want to share with you 5 tips to lead a more sustainable life and Welcome the nature that begins to flourish.

Vegan shoes to discover new corners of your city walking

Walking is wonderful, not only because you reduce the use of transport and aid to the environment, but because you discover new secret corners of your city and establish a closest contact with nature. We invite you to lose you through the streets of your city, discover new cafés, bookstores or parks. To enjoy the rides it is important to walk comfortably and take care of your feet by choosing the right models. If you want to dress with style and comfort while helping the planet, we recommend that you take a look at our Vegan Sandals collection, with varied designs for different occasions.

Fruit and vegetable tastes richer if it is seasonal

As well as replaced the Vegan boots by Vegan sandals, and see you for the first time in months the whitish fingers of the feet, well the same with our food. Consuming seasonal fruit helps the environment since we avoid generating unnecessary transport gases. We are looking forward to savor those intense red braces, or a gleaming cherry seasonal.

Leave the place better than what you found

The beach, the mountain and the sea are not garbage containers. Take a bag over to pick up the garbage and recycle after it is a simple habit of implementing in your life and that it really makes a difference. If you want to go one step further, you can help the planet picking up the garbage that you are finding. It is sad to see a natural contaminated environment and as many animals confuse plastic with food. It is not necessary that you pick up everything you are finding at your passage, but a simple gesture like pick up a plastic bottle from the sea helps create a better world.

Travel with a Mindset Eco-Friendly

In summer we usually travel more than during the rest of the year and to continue taking care of our surroundings it is important to choose sustainable tourism. Today there are campsites, hotels or accommodations that incorporate "eco" services to offer a more sustainable experience. You will be impressed with the improvement of the hotel sector in terms of eco-efficient topics!

Start a lifestyle Zero Waste this spring

As a brand of vegan and sustainable shoes we like to reflect these values ​​in our daily life. That's why we invite you to start putting the movement into practice Zero Waste. this spring. Because the best residue is not the one that is recycled, but the one that is not generated. We share a few tips to take a step towards sustainability this summer:

  • Hydract and combat the heat with your re-usable water bottle! Not only will you help the environment, but you will save money.
  • Do not stay too long in the shower. Reduces water consumption and opt for fast showers whenever you want to refresh yourself.
  • Travel with your mobile. Today almost all companies accept tickets and boarding cards on the mobile. Likewise, you can download maps or travel guides and save paper.

Always bet by vegan and sustainable options

In our day to day we take many consumer decisions and although we can not pick up all in this post (it would be endless) the key is always to ask if there is a way to keep doing what you are doing, but otherwise it is better for the Planet and for animals.

We hope you liked these tips, see you in the next post!